Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Marble Is Moving

Breaking up is a learning process, and my learning curve is skateboard-ramp steep right now. For the prior nine months, I guess it’s been flat enough where you’d be lucky to get a marble to roll on it.

Saturday, after Lis vacated, I had to go to Target to replenish my stores of many things. Then, as indicated in my last post, I went to IKEA to further round out my stuff. Is it just me, or is it kind of funny that I didn’t own any pillows, sheets, hangers or towels? I find some humor in this, but humor is sometimes difficult to explain.

I asked Lis about the towels. “I don’t own any towels?” She sort of shrugged and said, “Those were mine before we moved in.” OK. Fine. We haven’t bought any towels in nine years, I guess.

It’s weird. I get incandescently pissed off for a moment, then clamp down on that feeling and think. This is what you want to discuss? This is what you want to argue about? Nine dollar towels? So, I go and buy new towels. I’m wondering if I’ve ‘moved on’ when I stop getting that flare of angst. I’ve had these weird dizzying headaches for the last month and a half; I wonder what my blood pressure is at, and if it’s dropping now that We Can Move On.


At 7:58 PM, Blogger juju said...

I found your blog. Then I became a blogger myself. Now I am leaving a comment. And, you may not even know who I am.
Yes, I too, remember the moving on stages. It seems at first nothing is too "minimal" so to speak. In reality, a $9 towel, or in my case, a $40 set of pots and pans. Now, both can easily be replaced, but at the time, that anger emotion just takes over. But, pretty soon, 3XHAR will realize that he has moved on and is quite satisfied with his life. Enjoy life, enjoy friends, and Enjoy Beer.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Kwik2Jujj said...

You never did take Towelie's advice seriously, and now you see where it comes back to bite you.

On the plus side, you have a very nice stepstool behind the bedroom closet door. As we emptied the room, I asked Lis', "Stepstool?" I could see the thoughts play across her face in rapid sequence. She wanted the thing. It would be handy in the condo. But she didn't remember she had it and didn't discuss it with you beforehand. Ergo, there it remains.

I'd take a nice stepstool over a stack of nine-year-old towels most days of the week.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

"Oh man, I have no idea what's going on.

How spicy you want your Chang sauce?"

See you in nine days, Seenyor 3XHAR!

Juju and Joseph give sage advice. And in the immortal words of Chewbacca....


At 5:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, cheers for dropping by my blog the other day.
I suffered with chronic headaches and acne during a horrib;e breakup last year.
You'll have truly moved on when you don't give this period of your life a second thought.

At 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I visited your blog after a long time and was please to see three blogs in 10 days... wow, is that a sign of free mind & spirit?

I've never broken up but i think it is normal that it'd be tough on you. I think you are handling the situation very well... As i have always said, you can count on me & R among other people to spend time with if you want to :)

Hopefully, the WRT-IV will get you back into your free spirit. Three cheers to you for handling the delicate and stressful situation so flawlessly!


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