Thursday, November 24, 2005


Lisa and I broke up.


At 6:50 PM, Blogger Kwik2Jujj said...

I have no standing to complain, but you're horning in on Broken's schtick.

On a related note, I regret not being able to show up for The Soprano's, but my proxy server read your blog post and committed suicide. I rushed the computer to surgery and transplanted power supply and hard drives, but the patient died on the table. My internet access is currently limited to smoke signals translated to TCP/IP packets via the Dejope Bingo Hall's traditional internet bridge.

Note: must order new hardware. (Wet and spread blanket) (blanket on long) (blanket off short) (wiggle blanket twice)....

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Kwik2Jujj said...

You know if we were really devout or fundamentalist, e.g. Amish or Wahabbi, this would all be much simpler. Because surely this would be a situation where we could simply shun somebody or issue a fatwa, and that would be that.

Yes we have liberty, but at what price? Less shunning, that's what!


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