Monday, June 26, 2006

Just a few weeks.

A long time ago, I was involved in a Tae Kwon Do studio that used full contact sparring to train. You’d wear pads on your hands and feet and throw a mouth guard in. The point was to condition you to what it felt like to take a punch. What’s the use of unrealistic training that leaves you curled up in a ball the first time somebody get’s lucky or sneaky?

Anyway, I tested for my green belt which included forms (formalized moves in a specific sequence) and sparring. During the sparring I was paired against a guy who was testing for his red belt (two ranks higher than me, I think). I was not doing badly, keeping my head moving, throwing combinations when I could find an opening, when I took the hardest strike I have ever endured to my head. My vision rapidly narrowed to a point (think of a quarter held at arms length as the aperture) and I had the oddest feeling that my torso was extending into space far in front of my hips and legs. I churned my legs to keep them under me, my visual scope swept the small assemblage (my dad and Kwik were there). This must have only taken a second or two, but I still remember it vividly; it was a unique experience. The ref grabbed my gloves and steadied me. He asked if I wanted to continue; of course I said yes. I stuck to a somewhat groggy defensive strategy for the remainder of my time, but stayed up and earned the belt. I learned later that my opponent had snuck a kick up and tagged me in the side of the head.

For the last nine months or so, I have felt somewhat like that moment, just after the kick connected. I have been myopic, confused and pained. I have been churning my legs, trying to keep them under me.

I won’t use (self imposed) banned phrases like ‘looking into the abyss’ or singing big-hair ballads about how ‘I can take the pai-ai-ai-ain!’ I will admit that I never anticipated the duration and severity of this. I can be creative, but my imagination failed me here. I acknowledge it is unlike my normal manly lumberjacky self to admit to near-daily crying jags, but there you go. Going to work every weekday is an escape. Waking up every weekend morning is a grim exertion. Time spent with friends is a high-purity distraction.

My apologies for the self-pitying tone of this post. I’m sure to read this some time in the future and wrinkle my nose at my lack of stoicism, or my inability to keep my legs under me through this.

Lisa moves out July 8th. Then Wacky Road Trip IV a few weeks after that. It’s funny (not 3XHAR funny, but peculiar) but I don’t have any emotion whatsoever elicited by either upcoming event. Currently though, my moods radically change very rapidly, which I also apologize for. When my mood is in an up-tick, I see WRTIV as a cathartic event, a breaking away and a returning to a New 3XHAR Order. So I’m keeping my feelers out for the next up-tick.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

3XHAR, you are going through something which keeps some people down forever, and it's entirely natural to be on a daily crying jag.

Life doesn't turn out the way you plan. People don't line up and do what you want them to do. So you're forced to deal with that, your own ideals and goals, and make decisions.

There's nothing wrong with crying, or being depressed over losing a loved one- my god, if you remained stoic during this period in life I would wonder if you had a heart!

You do have a heart and it's broken and confused. Apathy is nature's way of dealing with it. Your heart can only take so much.

And I too hope when you read this later, or our co-macho dude friends read this now, they will do so with a soul and without skepticism or scorn. I think they will. Our friends are the real kind. They may pick everything apart, but when it comes to matters of the heart, they will help both of us. Because everyone in our group has a heart.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

p.s. you bet your sweet ass WRTIV will be the starting flag to a new era. :)

I'll pour enough coffee in you to be sure of that. But I won't let you eat an entire souvenier box of smoked salmon in a single sitting again.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

Sorry 3X- me again.

Two more things:

1. When I said what you're going through keeps some people down forever, I didn't mean you'll feel this way forever. I meant to exemplify the magnitude of heartbreak. And there are those who close themselves off entirely as a result. I don't think YOU will be kept down forever. You'll have the scar, just like all of us do (and I think everyone on the planet experiences heartbreak to some degree, no matter how toughguy or toughgrrl anyone claims they are!).

2. And there's a reason everyone is asking 'are you okay?' It's not to pester you. We say it because we want you to know we really do care and if you do want to talk, we're all ears.

If anyone gives you guff about you being down after heartbreak (including yourself) I'm taking names and pounding the living shit out of them.

Oh wait.
I'm a consciencious objector.

I guess I'll have to pummel their noodles with cute stuffed animals until they get it out of their system.


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