Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wisdom is not the destination, it is the path.

New things I've learned this year:

1) It is unwise to mention my love of zombie movies on the first date.
2) Never fart while listening to your iPod. You have no idea how loud it will be.
3) Unless you're in a completely aweful mood, hang out with friends if you have the option. And sometimes, even if you're in a completely aweful mood, hang out with friends if you have the option. Isolation, whether self-imposed or not, can be terrifically unhealthy.
4) If you've spilled gasoline on your hands, don't rub your eyes.
5) Have adventures. Even little ones. When you look back at your life, I bet you won't remember a lot of the times you planted your ass on a couch and watched reality and game shows. You will remember the laughing, the sex, the fights, the places, the meals, the wounds, the debates and the hugs.
6) Most art, in any artform, is crap. Find the non-crap. Enjoy it. And when the mood strikes, even enjoy some of the crap.



At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! Although if someone doesn't like you because of your love for zombie films, it says more about your date than about you...

At 8:02 PM, Blogger juju said...

I love this post! especially the one about having little adventures.. life is a little adventure you only get to take once

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Michael Goudeau says that the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell.

Penn Jillette took this a step further by defending Monica Lewinsky's actions (he was on Bill Maher's show at the time, I think), by saying that if the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell, then no one should ever turn down the opportunity to perform oral sex on the President of the United States, myself included.

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Michael Goudeau says that the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell.

Penn Jillette took this a step further by defending Monica Lewinsky's actions (he was on Bill Maher's show at the time, I think), by saying that if the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell, then no one should ever turn down the opportunity to perform oral sex on the President of the United States, myself included.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Michael Goudeau says that the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell.

Penn Jillette took this a step further by defending Monica Lewinsky's actions (he was on Bill Maher's show at the time, I think), by saying that if the purpose of life is to have interesting stories to tell, then no one should ever turn down the opportunity to perform oral sex on the President of the United States, myself included.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Alice in Wonderbread said...

Damn straight.


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