Monday, March 21, 2005


Hmmm… Where to begin? Years of Stein Training? I suppose that’s as good a place as any. Wavy lines, harp music…

Years ago, myself, 3XHAR, and some co-workers began a monthly journey to The Come Back In. Each month we’d drink German bier, eat cheap food, and discuss and debate any topic that crossed the table. Free will? Done. The war in Iraq? Did it. The evil Clinton? Of course. Frozen wooly mammoths? Cannibalism? Films? Movies? Yes, yes, yes. The good Clinton… Hmmm… Don’t remember that one.

Anyway, on these nights I can be somewhat confrontational. I don’t particularly care what you believe, but I will have some respect for you if you know why you believe something. I’ll try to use what-if situations to draw people out (plane crash in the Andes… what would you do?). If your why’s don’t satisfy me I tend to pursue, to ask more questions. I try to attack the argument, not the arguer. I try to follow Carl Sagan’s rules of argument from (I think) ‘Demon Haunted World.’

On occasion I’ll take an absurd position and goad people into dismantling it. This should be easy. People should be able to explain why slavery is morally and ethically corrupt; why Keanu Reeves did not deserve an Oscar for Matrix III; why prisoners should not have their arms and legs removed (Head On A Box Prison). I believe there is a baseline value to debate and discussion. And if I have to annoy someone to get them talking… well, I’m just the man to do it. You see, I am good at annoying people. I have a gift. HARHARHAR.

Anyway, I responded to a post on Manual Override’s blog a couple days ago. The topic was Terry Schiavo’s situation. My response was crass and rude, but I think reflected my belief. It elicited this comment in response:

"The Supreme Court enshrined the right to kill in Roe v. Wade.

As long as the American government and the American people tolerate the pro-death activism of judges, then bullshit like the Schiavo case will continue.

3XHAR, you are a monster. As one should expect of a fiend like yourself, you are too cowardly to give your real name.
Posted by: David C | 20 March 2005"

My first reaction was to laugh. I found this post funny in the extreme. To jump to name calling so quickly (granted: I started using the term Veggie Girl first) instead of even attempting to refute any of my statements was funny. It was kind of a thrill to elicit such a visceral response from a complete stranger. My second reaction was to be a little creeped out and a little relieved that I am using a moniker, 3XHAR. My third reaction was, ‘Dam, I am a coward!’ So, this David C was at least right about that.

The Blogpiphany: I realized from David C’s post that I have to become more proficient with blogging. I was treating this sort of like Stein Night, firing comments carelessly, surrounded by friends and acquaintances who know where I’m coming from. But this is different. Once it’s out there it can be read by anyone, friend or enemy, sensible or senseless, fanatic or wiseman.


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