Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Giant Dancing Inflatable Kangaroo

Last night, myself and four friends, all male, went to the Overture Center in Madison WI to see 'The Australian Pink Floyd Show'. Now, I'm a fan of Pink Floyd and going in to this I was a bit skeptical. I was ready for this to suck. Four things made the night not suck.

Firstly, the friends are a pleasure to spend time with. This did not suck. Secondly, the band was technically talented and nailed some very difficult Floyd, specifically, Great Gig In The Sky, One of These Days, and Money. Thirdly, I think during One of These Days, there was this huge (20 feet tall) blow up kangaroo that, I swear, was dancing. Once I started laughing at this I could not stop. It's nice when you go to a show and you see something you haven't seen before.

Fourthly, there was this woman in our row with a vast and tightly clad chest. She danced, she clapped, she ran, she jumped. This became extremely funny in the later parts of the show because you could see this entire row of guys heads turned ninety degrees to the right to watch this woman. I have to wonder if the band was thinking, 'What the hell's the bloody deal with the third row?' I think it was Tall G (not his real name) who said that looking at her was like some kind of drug. Or like a drug and a car accident mixed together. It was hard not to look, but then again, why try not to look? As a heterosexual, I must admit, fully ashamed of my humanity, that I do like to look at good looking women. There. I wrote it. Now I'm going to go to hell.

Thank God I'm an atheist and don't believe in Hell.


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