Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dog Detonation

So, I get home from work tonight and immediately determine three things: the dog is ill, the dog is a genius, and procrastination pays. I shall explain.

My Co-Dog Owner, Lis, and 3XHAR have been on and off trying to get around to painting the downstairs. Many things have stood in our way. Sinus infections, migraines, cold drafts, overly dry air, must-see TV, naps... Many things. So, the downstairs, post-roomie lower level is all prepped to be painted (buckets of paint, plastic covered furniture, brushes, rollers, plastic tarps on the floor, blue tape bordering the walls) but no final coat has been applied (the priming is finished!). Lucky us!

When I got home today Lis explained that the dog was ill. The dog, Hondo, barfed at the front door. This was unfortunate but not unusual and easy to clean. If the dog is going to vomit it's always at the front door on the linoleum. Genius. It was also stated by Lis that there was a larger, more formidable mess downstairs. And it was not vomit. I grimaced.

The dog had diarrhea. I feel for him. He knows he is supposed to go outside, so actually going inside must have pained him. It goes against years of conditioning. Fortunately for me, he only went on the plastic tarps we had put down for painting! Huzzah! Luck? Please. He could have gone anywhere in the house. The boy is a genius.

Of course, this will entail another delay in painting. Have to get new tarps.


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